
Best Communication Skills Training Solutions As You Know It

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The admissibility of many actions of citizens and entrepreneurs is determined not by laws adopted at the state level, but by the established generally accepted rules of business communication. An unwritten code of ethics exists in all countries and professional communities. What are the characteristics of the ethical requirements of builders? What are the risks of non-observance?

For several millennia, representatives of various professions living on all continents of the planet methodically created the prerequisites for the formation of a corporate culture and developed a system of ethical and moral standards in the performance of official duties. Taking into account the national color, the foundations and customs of different countries, the attitude to religion, these norms and rules were initially very contradictory. Over time, the basic principles began to acquire more unified outlines, and representatives of some professions have developed practically uniform global ethical standards. Doctors all over the world are still guided by the Hippocratic Oath, the military of all countries are subject to similar regulations. The requirement for communication skills training is there now.

Ethics as an advantage

In recent years, most construction executives have not attached much importance to the company’s ethical standards. This is due to the rapid growth of the country’s economy in the pre-crisis years, state policy aimed at lobbying the interests of only large developers, and widespread corruption schemes in construction. If adherence to ethical principles does not worsen the current economic situation of the company, they try not to violate them. If adherence to moral standards is contrary to the immediate interests of the organization, ethics is usually forgotten. Making a profit is primary, everything else is secondary, even if you have to disregard the norms of morality. In our country, unfortunately, such a behavioral concept of construction companies in practice (but not in words) is often encouraged by the authorities.

Socially oriented organizations practically do not receive any state support, small business is generally left to fend for themselves. There is no time for sentimentality!

Our reputation will also become a serious advantage, and faster than it seems too many. Now information technologies are developing at a tremendous speed, the Internet comes to every office and every home. More and more netizens start their blogs, start chatting on forums. More and more people share their impressions of a contractor, manager, colleagues on the Internet. At the same time, before buying a product, concluding a deal or getting a job, more and more citizens are interested in the reputation of a potential contractor, partner or seller.

Ethical terminology

Initially, you should recall the meaning of the main terms in order to avoid confusion. So, morality is a set of rules, regulations, and commandments, including taboos, prohibitions on certain actions, words and deeds of people. Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of ​​human communication. Corporate ethics can consist in corporate traditions, symbols, and legends, transmitted orally or in writing to each newcomer of a given work collective.

Last Words

Economic (business, market) ethics is a set of norms of behavior of managers of construction organizations and the requirements of market participants to their style of work. In addition, economic ethics is information about ethical concepts, moral requirements for the style of work and the image of a business person, adapted to the practical needs of businessmen.