Parental alienation is a situation where one partner is not satisfied with the actions of another. It also involves the children as well. When one parent is not truly satisfied with the other it is more likely that their child is getting brainwashed against the parent. For further information take notes from the findings of Rosemary Hunter.
All this is done to grab the attention of the child painting oneself as a victim of the atrocities of the other partner in front of the innocent child. The child at an early age when faced with this kind of behavior from either one of the parents will fall a victim to the parental alienation syndrome.
Symptoms of Parental Alienation Syndrome
The following symptoms will be shown if either one of the two parents is making false statements about the other one to the child.
Once the child constantly starts criticizing the alienated parent, he will do so every other person at an adult age. Although he does not have strong justification to prove his criticism, the pattern now runs in his blood. You can say that parental alienation has ruined the child’s mental health and relations with other people in the future.
Your child even will not feel guilty or have any sense that what he is doing to other parents is not fair. These patterns will be more devasted when comes out at an adult age. Even the language the child use in daily routine or when confronting the adverse situation is far more complex and encompasses scenario that is only can be perceived by adults.
Outcomes of Parental Alienation
The outcomes of parental alienation are that the child becomes a lot distanced from a parent. So, when kids who are distanced from one parent may not feel like any other child who has received the normal parenting style.
The child is likely to experience expanded annoyance. Followed by having uplifted sensations of disregard or even have their fundamental necessities ignored while being trapped in their folks’ battle and another group of people when reaching adult age.
They are more likely to gain proficiency with a damaging example that they give to other people. The seriousness and very little emotional stability become the part of their blood.
Such kids take on a biased perspective on the real world and become inclined to lying about others even if those people have done them nothing wrong. Also, become confrontational with others because of learning an ‘us versus them’ mindset.
They usually consider things to be “highly contrasting” no matter if the odds are in their favor. Overacting to the slightest of things could be their behavior when grown up.
Final Thoughts
The children who have suffered from parental alienation in the past need sympathy from everyone and anyone around them. Parents need to make the child receive equal shared parenting while keeping the disputes among themselves. Bearing the emotional trauma of the parents is not the child’s duty in any case.