
Useful Skills to Learn at Home While in Isolation

3 Mins read

Idle hands are the devil’s workshop, so they say, but that outcome is never set in stone. The trick is to find something to do that’s productive and also strikes your interest.

If you choose to stay at home because of the threat of COVID-19 and now have more free time than you know what to do with, consider this your chance to learn a new skill. Here are four skills that are worth learning, if you don’t have the knack for them yet.

Tying Knots

Knot-tying is a practical skill to have. You don’t need to be a wilderness survival enthusiast to appreciate them. When you know how to tie knots, you’ll find plenty of uses for them in your daily life. For instance, knots are useful when you’re packing up gear for a sports event, camping trip, or when moving to a new house. Even when you’re simply tidying things up at home, you’ll inevitably find something that needs tying with some rope or paracord.

Tying knots can also help improve your hand-eye coordination. It also promotes critical thinking because there are specific knots that work best for certain situations.

You can learn how to tie knots from camping, boating, or mountain climbing experts. They can show you the basics knots (e.g., the figure eight, noose knot, half hitch, and sheet bend), hitch knots (e.g., barrel, buntline, and cleat hitch), and quick release knots (highwayman’s hitch, chain sinnet, and Siberian hitch). They can also advise you where to buy paracord, key rings, and other accessories that will be useful for tying knots.


Now’s as good a time as any to learn first aid skills. Many hesitate to leave their homes as it is, more so if they have to go to the hospital to receive treatment. You can avoid exposing yourself to infection and adding to the burden of limited medical supplies by learning to do first aid at home.

Beyond the issue of coronavirus, first aid is essential because it reduces a person’s susceptibility to infection, blood loss, and pain. Fortunately, first-aid training is now available in various formats. You can sign up for online classes at the American Red Cross website and learn first aid skills like how to clean and dress an open wound, create a makeshift splint, and perform CPR.


It appears that the pandemic has renewed a lot of people’s interest and love for cooking. It’s like everybody, from famous actors and actresses to social media influencers, was suddenly making banana bread or cooking fancy dishes.

Rather than spend hours watching cooking videos and drooling over foodies’ photos on social media, use the time to learn how to cook your favorite dishes. It will be a satisfying accomplishment, and you’ll learn to experiment, so you’re not eating the same meals day after day.


Lockdowns have become a source of stress for people who’re used to spending time outdoors or meeting up with friends and family during the weekends. If you’re like these people and you have a spacious backyard, give gardening a try.

Gardening can be very therapeutic. It keeps you grounded and in touch with nature. It will also encourage you to get off the couch, spend more time outdoors, and do something productive. You can start by cleaning up your yard and caring for the bushes and potted plants you already have. If your yard is bare, you can buy a gardening starter kit online and begin with easy-to-grow plants like basil, geraniums, impatiens, and daffodils.

No one likes to be forced to stay home all the time. The situation being what it is, however, we can only make the most of the time in our hands. Learning new skills, like the ones above, is one way of bettering yourself. That would be a personal win against coronavirus.

Meta Title: Life Skills You Can Learn While Staying at Home Due to COVID-19

Meta Description: Got free time now that you’re staying at home due to COVID-19? Learn new skills that will serve you for life. Here are four examples that you need to learn.
