
What Is Living Soil?

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Living soil is a group of microbes that breaks down Organic matter that provides productive nutrients to the plants. These organisms aid in breaking down organic matter reusing old materials from plants. Microorganisms make up a significant part of the unseen majority in the soil and the genetic diversity of the soil. They make it easy for plant roots to absorb nutrients, reduce the need for moisture, minimize erosion rate and improve the circulation of air. Organic materials like castings, aged tree bark, cocoa, etc., are used as the bases for living soil. Soil needs water. Need more recommendations on living soil? You can take SoHum living soil as a standard for living soil considerations.

Is living soil different from other forms of growing methods?

One of the most frequently asked questions that SoHum living soil answers is if it’s different from other growing methods. The answer is “yes.” Living soil vastly differs from other growing methods, such as synthetic nutrient solutions and chemical additives. Plants use the strength of micro life in the soil to feed themselves what they need to survive. As a farmer, you should provide the right conditions to aid the plants and soil in doing their work.

Life needs oxygen to exist, and the complexities of living soil helps air and water to frequently cycle and gives the root enough oxygen and plants enough air to breathe. As earlier explained, the microbes in living soil have to break down organic soil additives so that plants can use them. For this to happen, three vital microorganisms have to be in the living soil. They are fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes. SoHum living soil will give you a more details on these. 

Let’s take a brief look at them.

Fungi: are the second bacteria that are high in number found in the soil. The disposition of the soil has a significant effect on the number of fungi available. They live in soils that are composed of individual hyphae and have filamentous mycelium. Reducing organic matter and aid soil accumulation is the primary purpose of fungi in soil.

Bacteria: these are single-cell microorganisms that live in moist habitats and are very dominant in soil. There are bacteria in every soil, but they decrease when the depth of soil increases. Bacteria can survive famine and dehydration. They also reproduce rapidly, especially when there is food, good environmental conditions, and water. They increase soil productivity and crop yields. They also aid in deterioration.

Actinomycetes: it is very similar to fungi and bacteria but lacks the cellulose and chitin found in fungi’s cell wall. Unlike bacteria, the deeper you dig your soil, the more actinomycetes you will find. They increase where there is deteriorating organic matter. They prevent mildews, molds, and other soil pathogens.