If you have been injured in a work-related accident, you may need to consult an attorney. However, searching for workers compensation lawyers Oregon will give you page after page of results, and some of these attorneys may not be right for your case.
The right attorney will have years of experience with workers’ compensation cases as well as experience in your specific industry. You see, there are things about your industry that may have contributed to your injury that someone unfamiliar with your field may not understand. In addition, your attorneys should devote a significant portion of their practice to workers’ compensation claims.
Prospective lawyers should be licensed to practice in your state and certified to practice workers’ compensation law. You should also be able to read reviews and testimonials online and contact client references to determine how the process went for others who have worked with your attorney prospects.
Your lawyer should have the time and resources necessary to dedicate to your case. For example, a counselor who works without a team may be stretched too far to really give your case the time and effort it needs, whereas an attorney with a team of other legal professionals may be more on top of your case.
Because workers’ compensation lawyers are not typically paid until the claim is settled, they also need the financial resources to complete the case, including paying all the legal fees.
Typically, workers’ compensation attorneys take a portion of the settlement, sometimes in addition to any legal fees incurred during the case. However, the amount of the portion they require may differ widely among attorneys.
Guidance and Knowledge
Your attorney should be your guide throughout the process. They should tell you the strength of your case, how long it will take to settle and what processes must be followed. They should also provide you with periodic updates.
Searching for an attorney can be overwhelming, but don’t settle for the first one you find. Search for one who will give you the best results in your case.