Automatic optical inspection system has been used widely by the manufacturing unit to produce defect free products from the product line so that they will be able to deliver the most optimum and good quality products in the market place. One of the best element of automated optical inspection system Malaysia is that it would be able to capture image. This system is able to capture an image of the printed circuit board which is then analysed by various processing software within the automated optical inspection system. There are different kinds of images have been captured by the system on the basis of the exact application and the cost as well as complexity of the AOI system.
The imaging system present under automated optical inspection system may be comprised with a single camera or there is a possibility of present of more than one camera in order to provide better image quality and the possibility of a 3 definition capability. With the help of Advanced technology these camera also be able to move under various software control that enable them to move to the optimum position for a given printed circuit board assembly. In addition to the camera it has also made an impact on the performance of the manufacturing unit. The type of camera to be used by automatic optical inspection system includes the following:
Streaming video: along with different camera used in automated optical inspection system one of the camera used under this system helps in taking the streaming video under which the whole frame of the production process is taken. The captured image under this streaming video in able to generate single processing performance but this approach is not as accurate as other image system but it provide the advantage of very high speed.
Still image camera system: this camera is placed close to the target PCB so that it provide the High Definition image off the board as it is able to provide the required lighting system. These are the smart thermometer Malaysia that can be used to capture the image that further helps the manufacture to to compare the image taken product with the desired product and if any defect is sealed it can be rectified within shortest time possible in order to produce the best and desired product from the manufacturing unit.
By the using of smart thumb thermometer when an image is analysed by the boat then this automatad system Looks for different features like components size, component placement, label patterns, background colour and many more. This camera is very important as these smart thermometer helps the system to inspect the solder joints in order to ensure that they would be able to indicate the joints satisfactorily. With the help of this camera any variation present will be able to detect and hence it become easy for the manufacturer to make necessary changes in preliminary stages with a surety to produce the right kind of product for the Marketplace and hence the able to capture most of the market share.