
Can SSI Benefits be Increased if you Develop an Additional Disability?

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When your sole income is through Social Security benefits, making sure you get the most bang for your buck is essential. Dealing with a serious medical condition can feel like a job unto itself and when you add in the exertion of getting the most of your SSI benefits, it can quickly get overwhelming.

Before you try your hand at finalizing your SSI benefits on your own, there are a few things you can arm yourself with before heading in to get the most out of your next cheque!

The Essence of SSI Benefits

Knowing and understanding what your SSI benefits are is one of the first steps you can take to ensure you get the most from your cheques.

The SSI or Supplemental Security Income program works within specific financial limits to provide income for adults and children with disabilities. These payments can also be made to anyone over the age of 65 but some other restrictions come along with older adults cashing in on the program.

The overall SSI program is funded by general tax revenues rather than social security taxes so is pooled from a different revenue entirely. Each SSI cheque is issued monthly and is determined to take care of the basic needs of the individual and family. The base amount is determined by your living arrangement and income that you may still make from other sources.

Amounts vary from family to family and individual to individual but anyone is eligible to apply!

Multiple Conditions and SSI Benefits

Oftentimes, one medical condition can lead to another and you’ll find yourself with multiple disabilities. Dealing with bills, whether related to the medical issues or your regular day-to-day issues, can become harder and harder if you’ve developed more than one disability.

Unfortunately, when it comes to SSI benefits, the funds don’t change. Whether you have one or multiple disabilities, your cheques from SSI will still be the same. While your benefits and cheque won’t change, you should still keep the SSA up to date on anything that changes or advances in your conditions.

Reporting Changes

By receiving SSI benefits, you’re required by law to report any changes in your health. These changes, good or bad, can mix up the way your benefits come through.
Besides your medical condition, you’ll also need to report anything like changes in your marital status, living arrangements, or financial circumstances to the board. Developing an additional medical condition or disability throughout your time while still on SSI disability needs to be reported to the SSA. The same goes if your condition improves! You’ll need to keep the SSA updated about any changes to your situation to continue receiving benefits.


Dealing with a disability is a challenge on every level especially when you can’t work. As part of the Supplemental Security Income program, you’ll be able to receive monthly checks to help pay for any bills that may arise. Developing another disability doesn’t allow you to receive more money, unfortunately, but you’ll still need to report any changes to the SSA. Visit for more information on SSI benefits.