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As we age, the skin begins to lose its smooth and soft complexion, and collagen, elasticity, and muscle firmness begin to diminish. To combat these signs of aging, Facelift Toronto is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates and refreshes the appearance of your face and neck. The method brings about such a change in the appearance that you begin to look fresher and relaxed. When you plan to undergo a facelift, there are crucial things that you need to keep in mind and understand what the procedure can do for you.

What are the different techniques used in a facelift procedure?

Facelift is one of the most popular procedures for the results that it creates. The question that arises is how these results are produced. The techniques used in the facelift procedure have taken decades to be perfected. Out of the various methods, the two most prevalent techniques are endoscopic techniques and the open method technique. In endoscopic surgery, the surgeon makes use of a long and slender surgical instrument.

The open method is more thorough and creates more long-lasting results. In the open method facelift, the face is divided into three sections: the forehead, midface, and the lower facial area. The forehead takes the least amount of work and adjustment compared to the other areas of the face. The mid-region consists of the facial area, which is right below the eyes and on top of the mouth. The lower area consists of the jaw, chin, and jowls. The facelift procedure is carried out in the neck area as well.

Facelift consists of three significant steps—the first tightening of the deep facial muscles (SMAS). In the second step, these muscles are re0draped and secured in an upward position. In the last step, the surgeon removes any excessive fatty tissues if there are any.

What are the best locations for the incisions?

In the procedure of Facelift, incisions are made. The position of the incisions is essential, as it shouldn’t be too visible. Before undergoing the process, the surgeon will study your facial shape, skin type, hairline, and other crucial features to determine the best location for the incisions. These incisions are extremely tiny and need to be placed so that they aren’t readily visible to the naked eye. They are usually hidden in the folds of skin in front of the ears or hidden within the hairline. The next step is known as undermining. The overlying skin of the face is separated from the deep facial tissues and muscles. This procedure frees the facial skin to be lifted, manipulated, and smoothened out.

Choose your surgeon wisely

Once you have made up your mind to undergo the procedure, you must make an informed decision about which surgeon to opt for. The surgeon will have an impact on the procedure’s results and will also help to bring down the possible risks of the procedure. Opting for an experienced surgeon will help you yield best results.