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Hair loss is something we all face at some point of time or the other. Sometimes more than we should experience. It is normal to lose about 100 strands of hair in a day. When hair loss is more than that, then it becomes a problem. The strands of hair on the floor, pillow, and hairbrush can freak anyone out. If you feel that your hair has started to think out, you should consider vising a Hair loss clinic Toronto. As hair loss might not always be alarming, it is still better to know what hair loss is.

What is hair loss?

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is something that most people go through in their lives, but at different times in their lives. Various factors could cause hair to fall. Hair loss occurs when the hair growth on the scalp starts to decrease, not the hair which is breaking after growing from the shaft. Hair loss can sometimes be temporary, and in some cases, it can also be permanent. When you are getting a consultation, the review will determine the causes behind your hair loss.

What are the various causes of hair loss?

Androgenetic Alopecia: Genetic causes mostly cause thinning hair of hair before the age of 60. This primarily affects men more than women; the common name of this genetic condition is male pattern baldness. The hair loss can start as early as the teenage years and early twenties. The hairline along the temple begins to recede, with hair loss taking place in a horseshoe pattern. Hair is only on the sides and base of the hair remaining on the head. In women, the thinning is more noticeable and the widening of their part, rather than the receding hairline.

Health Conditions: Serious illnesses and medical conditions can also cause hair loss. These conditions can be determined with the help of a thorough physical check and specific blood tests. However, more severe health conditions like cancer, and the use of immunosuppressive medications will cause hair loss. Even medicines like birth control pills and steroids can affect hair loss. More common medications like medications for blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even acne can cause permanent or temporary hair loss.

Stress:  Physical and emotional stress, traumatic accident, severe sickness, and hormonal changes can cause hair loss. Hair loss is usually temporary. Once you start to recover, you will be able to notice new hair growth.

What are the various ways you could combat hair loss?

Once you have determined that hair loss is permanent, there are ways you could combat it. Hair transplant techniques have evolved in the past couple of decades. Your surgeon will be able to suggest which option is best suited for you based on your hair loss pattern. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Strip transplant method, and PRP therapy are some of the most common hair restoration therapies available.