One of the larger trends that is going on in the world today is CBD for pets. People all over the world are buying CBD off of the shelves in order to give it to their furry buddies in hopes that it will help them to stay calmer, or even offer them relief from discomfort. Cat owners, dog owners, horse owners, and whatever else all want to give what is best to their beloved companions, but does it work? Does CBD really work for dogs? The answer is not as simple as you might believe.
It All Depends
When we say the word “effective” it really depends on what we are referring to. Whatever the reason the dog is using CBD could vary in many ways. Not all dogs are the same, neither are people or anything else for that matter.
We can lay down a few facts, and let you decide from what is laid out in front of you.
How Does CBD Work?
The cbd for dogs is a cannabinoid that is produced within the cannabis genus of plants. Scientists believe that the reason why cannabinoids are present in the plant is that they help to keep the plant alive and healthy. Cannabinoids seem to repel pests and predators, yet they also seem to attract bees and other pollinating insects.
Humans and animals also produce a type of cannabinoid that works with the body in order to help keep it in a state of homeostasis. Although the cannabinoids in cannabis plants and the endocannabinoids that humans and animals produce are produced by different species, they are very similar to each other and possess the ability to communicate with the body as if it were actually part of it. Strange? Yes.
The Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system is part of the nervous system that most living beings have that own a spine. The way that it works is that it sends messages throughout a community of receptors that are located within the body. The way that the messages are sent is through the above-mentioned self-made cannabinoids. These endocannabinoids interact with the body and tell certain never centers to turn on or off depending on what the situation is. Things like heart rate, body temp, metabolism, and more are controlled by the endocannabinoid system.
When we take cannabinoids into our bodies, they have the ability to attach to the receptors of our endocannabinoid system and make choices within our nervous systems that regulate our functions. This is one of the reasons why cannabinoids are so controversial in the first place.
THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, is a cannabinoid that directly attaches itself to the cannabinoid receptors and influences it to send and receive various messages. THC possesses an element that causes psychoactive effects on the brains of the users. The whole function of THC and the brain is still a mystery to scientists.
CBD, on the other hand, does not attach itself to the receptors the way that THC does. However, it can connect to the receptors and influence them to either send messages or not send messages. As small as this may seem, it is actually huge. Say, for example, if your body is in a situation that causes fear and CBD that is in your system tells your body not to send the signal to the brain that causes it to tense up, you will not tense up. This is exactly how researchers believe that CBD has the ability to relieve stress and discomfort.
CBD For Animals
Since all animals have an endocannabinoid system, it is a fair guess to suppose that CBD will have the same kind of effect on dogs and cats as it does on humans. The best way to figure out if CBD is right for your pet is to ask the vet and make sure that the pet is healthy enough to take CBD and that it is not taking any medication s that could cause a problem with CBD.