Sales promotions are a crucial part of any customer’s purchasing decisions because of the influence that they can have. These promotions encourage customers to either make a purchase or request more information about a company’s product. However, businesses have become more competitive these days, and companies are tasked to find different marketing strategies that will help them stand out from all of the other companies in their field.
One thing that companies have begun to implement is the use of electronic shelf labels. Companies use electronic shelf price tags or labels to display the prices of their products on shelves, which can be updated anytime prices go up. These wire shelf label holders not only save a company’s time spent on manually creating promo posters, but they also make the shopping experience exciting and convenient for customers, which in turn upgrades their whole sales promotions.
SOLUM is a company dedicated to helping companies with their electronic shelf labels. Their new system, called the Newton, can help businesses take their sales promotions to the next level with features that are capable of helping companies execute their strategies more efficiently. It is a system that has a high-resolution that comes with 184 dpi for 1.6″display and 145dpi for 2.9″ display.
Newton is also helpful because it can support a location-based service. This feature shows the location of promotional products and obtains retail analysis so companies can promote their products by changing their position to the bestselling area. Lastly, with its built-in NFC, customers can link their phones to a company’s website and download a digital coupon.
These are just some of the reasons why Newton will be the key to a company’s sales promotions. If you are interested in learning more, you can check out this infographic prepared by our friends over at SOLUM.