
What is the Green card lottery and how it is selected?

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The green card is a kind of card that gives permanent residence status to a foreign citizen in the United States. Every year millions of people used to apply for the green card but only a few of them get selected for the card.

Green Card Lottery is certainly a golden opportunity for those who want to make an entry into the United States permanently. The facility of such a lottery is officially known as the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program and it is a cheap and straightforward entry into the US.

You can apply for a green card lottery for free but you can get the forms only for two types of green cards, i.e., family-sponsored green card and employer-sponsored green card. In this process, the applicants are selected randomly, and generally, one in 386 applicants is selected in this process. Generally, it is seen that about one million are given the lawful residence in the US per year, and out of that only, 5% of applicants receive a green card lottery. If you receive the green card lottery it will compress the hassle of getting Visa.

When the applicants are selected they are screened with the help of an interview process. Generally, the application process for the green card lottery is very straightforward. After the application is submitted it will get selected if the criteria are matched. Then the applicant will be called for the interview.

 You can apply for the green card lottery online as well but you have to give the full details of your background. For example, the applicant has to give his or name, gender, date of birth, city where you have born, country where you have born, country of eligibility for the diversity visa program, 6 latest photographs of the applicant, his or her spouse or children, name of the country where the applicant is currently living, phone number of the applicant, email id, highest level of educational qualification of the applicant, present marital status of the applicant, number of children, etc.

Once the application is submitted it will be checked thoroughly and only a few persons will be qualified for the green card.  Then the applicants will be called for the interview and when the applicant will be called for the interview they will need to bring their appointment letter, DS-260 confirmation page, and passport, medical exam result. Apart from that, the candidates also need to produce his or her birth certificate, court or prison record, deportation documentation, marriage certificate, marriage termination documentation, military records, police records, custody documentation, educational documents, and work experience certificates. Once the applicant can clear the interview he or she will get the green card.