Chlamydia testing is important for anyone who is sexually active. This infection is serious and should be treated right away if you think you may have it. Early testing and treatment to help protect against many other types of STDs, such as gonorrhea and infectious ech HIV. Here are some things to know about chlamydia testing:
Newer tests, known as STI test kit, are easy to take and very accurate. Your health care provider will tell you what specific testing options are available for your situation (urine testing or swab test, for instance). In states that offer free testing, you might also be advised to get tested in an STD clinic once a year. You should not have to pay for a chlamydia test if you think you are positively infected. However, if you do have an infection and your partner does not have one, you need to be tested before engaging in sexual activity with each other. Not only is this the right thing to do for your own safety, but it is also the responsible thing to do for your relationship.
Some people assume they will get tested for chlamydia or gonorrhea only if they have a positive result for either disease. This is simply not true. Even if a person has a positive result for gonorrhea or a chlamydia test, the infection could be completely unaware and undetectable. For this reason, you should get tested for any sexually transmitted infection, even if you think you don’t have one.
The best way to protect yourself from being exposed to unsafe sex is to always get tested and treated for STDs. Your risk for exposure is highest when you engage in multiple sexual partners, and when you are uninsured or are not covered by your health insurance. You should also use protection when having unprotected sex, both with new partners and with those you have had experience with in the past. If your partner asks you to be tested for chlamydia or gonorrhea, then you should definitely be tested because of the serious health consequences of these infections can cause. The timely treatment provided by experienced medical professionals can help prevent serious complications from occurring.
Once tested and treated, there are several ways you can protect against getting another infection. You should always use a condom during intercourse to minimize your chances of becoming infected. You should also see your doctor if you have any symptoms of an STD so that he or she can refer you to an STD clinic for testing and treatment. The symptoms for gonorrhea and chlamydia often do not appear until much later, and your doctor can help you detect them quickly so that treatment can begin immediately.
If you choose to have a Chlamydia sample taken, you will likely be asked to urinate on a test strip. The test strip will then show whether or not you have been exposed to a particular strain of Chlamydia. Some clinics will offer the option of a swab test strip so that you do not have to remember to take them every time you visit the doctor. You can pay to have the sample sent to a lab and have the results back almost immediately. The results of Chlamydia testing will usually be available within twenty-four hours of the visit. If you choose to undergo a full exam at a Chlamydia clinic, you will likely be required to pay for the test and the results.