When it comes to cost control one of the major areas every factory needs to focus is packaging. The manufacturer has the responsibility of reaching their products to the customers safe without any damage. As a result, a wide variety of packaging supplies are used. For the fear of their products getting damaged during shipping, handling and transit, all the manufacturers spend more than what is needed for their packaging supplies. Therefore, this becomes an important area to focus upon while trying to cut down the overhead costs. Buying wholesale packaging materials can also cut down cost drastically
Let us focus on how to minimize wastage in the use of cushioning materials such as bubble rolls and foam rolls. When compared to the other cushioning materials, bubble rolls are one of the most cost effective ways of achieving one’s cushioning goals. There are various reasons why bubble rolls and foam rolls are used. They are not only light in weight but they are also very effective in protecting your products from various types of damages including but not limited to shocks, impact of handling, scratches and dents. In order to minimize the wastage of these cushioning materials you could employ few simple strategies.
When you order your bubble rolls, including in your specifications preset perforations based on your custom requirements. This will go a long way in using exactly the amount you need for packaging each product. The bubble rolls and the foam rolls will not be torn in random places resulting in wastage due to tearing of the roll in irregular shapes. When you have perforations, these issues will disappear. You will have a clean tear and no wastage or no worries regarding excess use or the use of smaller sized bubble wraps. Uniform packaging and wastage are controlled by adding perforations to the bubble rolls you order.
Alternatively, you could also go for bubble pouches and foam pouches instead of using rolls to wrap the products. Your manufacturer will be able to precut the rolls to the required sizes and seal them into pouches using heat transfer methods. This will be yet another way of saving your packaging materials. When compared to just wrapping the foam rolls or bubble rolls around the objects when you go for pouches, the usage of packaging bubble rolls is further minimized by reducing the wastage to the minimum level possible.
Thirdly, you should also consider designing the product in such a way that it uses minimum amount of packaging materials. Good product design will help in minimizing the shipping related damages. When you have a product that is less susceptible to damages, your need to use cushioning materials will also reduce considerably. You may need to check the pros and cons of all the possible packaging methods and go for the most cost-effective cushioning method.
When we talk of cost cutting, we never intend the use of cheap quality or inferior cushioning supplies. Always source highly durable bubble rolls and foam rolls.